Alan Bolduc, CCIM Broker - Industrial Specialist, Sentry Commercial Real Estate Services, Inc.
January 16, 2008 - Connecticut
Name: Alan Bolduc, CCIM
Title: Broker, Industrial Specialist
Company: Sentry Commercial Real Estate Services, Inc.
Location: Hartford, CT
Birthplace: Hartford, CT
Family: Married with 4 adult children
College: U.S. Navy - 7 years
First job unrelated to current field: Telecommunications sales and operations executive, 1983-2001
First job in current field: Commercial agent, Colliers Dow & Condon, 2003
What your firm does now and its plans for the future: Primary focus on clients in the region serving large industrial properties, acquisitions, dispositions and leasing.
Hobbies: Motorcycle touring, scuba diving, golf
Keys to success: Always do the right thing, take care of the client.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? General business operations consulting