Stephen Dunn - MBREA Strength in Numbers membership campaign
June 9, 2011 - Appraisal & Consulting
Appraisers across the country are beginning to experience the effectiveness of organized action. Most recently, appraisers in Massachusetts learned how their involvement in the legislative and regulatory process brings about positive change.
MBREA launched a grassroots effort targeted towards the legislature to bring about a change in the way the state evaluates appraiser compliance with USPAP continuing education requirements. Within weeks of asking appraisers to contact their state senators and representatives, USPAP became a buzz word around the State House. MBREA members and staff met with several members of the house and senate and secured a commitment to file legislation to correct the issue. We continue to push forward on the issue even after the State Board adopted a new enforcement policy, in order to bring relief to those appraisers disciplined before the change.
We then asked appraisers to attend a hearing by the Joint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure on May 17th. More than 30 appraisers arrived for the hearing MBREA's appraisal management company licensing bill and showed the committee that the appraisal community strongly supports the bill.
What this demonstrates is the strength that comes with numbers. Neither of these events would have happened if individual appraisers had not rallied around these causes. For too long now, appraisers have felt victimized with unstoppable wave after wave of new requirements and regulations overtook them and came close to swamping the profession. Provided an outlet and means to focus their frustration with the havoc wreaked on their profession, appraisers pushed back with a significant impact.
MBREA is proud to have been at the forefront of action in Mass. We were energized by the very appraisers we energized.
Here is one reality of the situation. MBREA counts as members about 25% of the licensed and certified appraisers in Massachusetts. Our efforts, while benefitting our members, also benefits 2,100 appraisers across the state that do not belong to MBREA. Imagine how our effectiveness would be multiplied if 1 out of every 2 non-member appraiser joined MBREA today.
MBREA recently introduced its Strength in Numbers membership campaign. We have eliminated the excuse that membership costs too much by reducing the first year's dues to $195 and waiving the $50 joining fee. Even if $195 for one year seems to be high, consider the value you receive through your membership - by associating with the state's premier professional appraiser organization.
Stephen Dunn is president of the MBREA and principal of, real estate appraisers in Kingston, Mass.