Simple Solutions FM's RoundsKeeper makes equipment monitoring paperless
June 2, 2011 - Owners Developers & Managers
Simple Solutions FM's RoundsKeeper application provides a simple, paperless way to ensure routine equipment monitoring is being performed as required and that equipment data is being collected and read during day-to-day surveillance of equipment assets.
RoundsKeeper replaces cumbersome paper log sheets typically used during routine rounds, with a handheld device. Technicians use the handheld device during rounds to scan equipment barcodes and to collect inspection point data needed to assess the current condition of equipment assets. As a barcode is scanned, the technician is prompted to enter an inspection point reading for each data point assigned to the scanned asset. As the technician performs their rounds and records data, RoundsKeeper tracks the assets remaining in the current round.
After the technician has finished capturing inspection point data in the field, the handheld is placed in its cradle and the data collected is sent to the database and displayed in the RoundsKeeper desktop application.
Immediately, inspection point reading values are compared to their assigned criteria and threshold values to identify and display assets and their inspection points that fail to meet their defined criteria and/or threshold value.