Jeffrey Cunningham 2011
May 12, 2011 - Spotlights
Name: Jeffrey Cunningham
Title: Managing Director
Company: Cunningham & Associates, LLC
Location: Northworks Building, Worcester, Mass.
Birthplace: Framingham, Mass
Family: Married 34 years to Kathleen, 4 children
College: Bentley University
First job outside of real estate: Worked nights at UPS loading trucks
First job in current field: Factory ledger accountant, The Gillette Companies. Before PCs, I oversaw submission of punch cards into main frame computer.
What your firms does now and its plans for the future: Assist small to medium sized manufacturing and construction firms with tax and financial planning needs. Opened newest office in Baltimore, Md. earlier this year.
Hobbies: Reading, skiing, golf and politics
Favorite book: "World According to Garp" by John Irving or "Shogun" by James Clavell - Tossup
Favorite movies: "The King's Speech"
Favorite website:
Key to success: Find the best people and hire them. Then work hard, be honest and create value.
Person you most admire (outside of family: Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts
If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Country singer