Minnerly of NAI Hunneman heading marketing Groundbreaking held for 33,420 s/f Myles Standish Medical Center
May 5, 2011 - Owners Developers & Managers
Myles Standish Medical Center LLC yesterday held a groundbreaking ceremony for a new 33,420 s/f class A medical building located on I-495 at the entrance of Myles Standish Industrial Park. Local officials, including state senator Marc Pacheco, Lou Ricciardi, president of Taunton Development Authority, and Dick Shafer, economic development director for the city of Taunton, along with the ownership, the exclusive leasing team of NAI Hunneman Commercial, and the design-build team of A. Autiello Construction attended the ceremony.
"We're very excited to start this project and cannot wait for its completion. This groundbreaking is a sign of the times, and it sparks economic development in the area. This is the first groundbreaking for a commercial building in Taunton in two years," said John Stephenson, owner of Myles Standish Medical Center. "We have assembled a great team and have already pre-leased/sold 25 percent of the building."
NAI Hunneman Commercial is the exclusive agent of the building. Cathy Minnerly, executive vice president at NAI Hunneman, is heading the building's marketing efforts. Cranston, R.I.-based A. Autiello Construction is the architect and the general contractor.
"We have already seen tremendous interest in this project because of its great location on I-495 and at the entrance of the Myles Standish Industrial Park," said Minnerly. "About one-fourth of the building is already committed and we are optimistic that we will be able to lease the remainder of the building before its completion in the fall."
The three-story, 33,420 s/f building is located at the entrance of the 805-acre Myles Standish Industrial Park, where approximately 7,400 people work every day. The rentable space at the building is dividable by 2,750 s/f and up for medical suites.
Shown (from right) are: John Stephenson, Myles Standish Medical Center; state senator Marc Pacheco; Lou Ricciardi, Taunton Development Corp.; Bill Shamon, Myles Standish Medical Center; Dan DaRosa, Taunton Development Corp.; Cathy Minnerly, NAI Hunneman; and Dick Shafer, city of Taunton.