Lee Wasserman 2011
April 21, 2011 - Green Buildings
Name: Lee Wasserman
Title: CEO
Company: LEW Corporation
Location: Headquarters, Mountainside, N.J.
Birthplace: Livingston, N.J.
Family: Wife, 2 daughters
College: University of Maryland
First job outside of real estate: Accounting, CPA
First job in real estate or allied field: Lead-based paint testing
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? LEW Corp. is a full-service Property Oriented Env. Co. that after almost 20 years maintains 96% repeat multifamily/developer and government client base. We are one of the largest providers of: lead-based paint, asbestos, IAQ/mold phase I ESAs, USTs, radon and other environmental consulting, training and remediation services in the metropolitan northeast. For the future: LEW Corporation plans on leveraging technology and other resources to provide our clients an even higher level of customer service and value added. We expect to add to our comprehensive list of services as needs change and increase our capabilities to best assist our clients. Finally, we expect as compliance and enforcement rises, LEW Corporation will be more active assisting our clients with what we do best, "managing environmental risk."
Hobbies: Mountain biking snow and water skiing/wakeboarding, kayaking, family/friends and a good book every once in a while
Favorite movie: "Willy Wonka" and "Rudy."
Person you admire most (outside of family): Richard Branson
Keys to success: Hard work, strong people skills and a constant desire and company value to always do best by your client.
If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Very tough choice in light of the state of the union, but I guess if at the end we pick to be happy, I want to be a professional fishing guide in the Florida Keys and/or a writer (Ernest Hemmingway-ish).