Harnessing your human capital: Business Roundtable April 26
April 14, 2011 - Construction Design & Engineering
Thinking about the people you have on board now, who would you hire again today, and why?
Most businesses have had to make significant workforce reductions in order to survive the economic downturn and now, they understand that this is the "new normal". These reductions have a significant impact on day-to-day operations, placing higher demands on remaining employees, and even changing the types of new business we can pursue.
Join us for this candid discussion about the advantages and disadvantages to making employee changes in today's market. Here are some questions we will discuss:
How do you ensure you have the best people in all the right roles?
1. How do you capitalize on the strengths of your current employees to pursue new opportunities?
2. Have you made all of the cuts you need to make, or should you make more?
3. Have you cut too many people, hampering your ability to sustain your basic operations? What will happen if one of your key employees leaves the company?
4. Whether or not you are considering potential changes to the makeup of your team, How do you balance between maintaining high value while managing the bottom line?
Please join us for a lively discussion and leave with some new approaches to develop your business' strengths.
Your growth may not depend on getting bigger, but rather, by growing stronger.
When: March, 22, 8:00AM
Where: ABC Office,
200 Wheeler Rd., Burlington
Cost: $15 members
$25 non-members
$50 5-pack (members only)
Visit http://www.abcma.org/event_registration.aspx?eventid=71270 to register.