Attention engineers, architects and energy whizzes! Energy modeling workshop April 7-8
February 24, 2011 - Green Buildings
People are so hungry for energy (well, maybe not literally, or maybe so). I'm no longer surprised by the amount of chatter in the media and social media on the topic or the number of companies that pop-up every day to help us reduce our energy usage and find non-fossil fuel alternatives to generate that energy. If saving energy is important to you, the key questions are: who is responsible for taking leadership on reducing energy usage and how will they take action?
In the building sector, there's a deficiency of energy modeling training for engineers and architects in higher education (if you're in one of those professionals, you've noticed this, too). And while professional associations provide energy-related education, hands-on energy modeling courses are few and far between. That's why we continue to offer a two-day energy modeling workshop using the free eQuest software.
The next Energy Modeling for LEED Using eQuest workshop on April 7-8.
LEED 521: Energy Modeling for LEED Using eQuest
This training will develop your capacity in energy modeling using eQUEST to achieve LEED EAp2: Minimum Energy Performance and EAc1: Optimize Energy Performance. In day one you will learn how to use eQUEST's wizards and graphics to construct a building energy model that incorporates weather data, building envelope construction specifications, HVAC systems, internal loads and service hot water systems. In day two you will learn how to make your building energy model comply with ASHRAE 90.1-2007 Appendix G to meet LEED 2009 requirements for EAp2 and EAc1. Through modeling exercises, you will develop both proposed and baseline building energy models and compare simulations and results. Lastly, you will learn how to complete the LEED submittal forms using eQUEST input and output.
Seating is limited and registration is first-come, first-serve. Registration fee includes both day 1 (April 7) and day 2 (April 8). Participants will receive a course manual, refreshments and a certificate of completion. Please note that meals are not included but breaks will be provided.
Provides 16 AIA SD HSW/LU and 16 GBCI LEED-Specific CE for BD+C for LEED Green Associates and LEED AP's. ASHRAE and AEE Certified Professionals may submit for continuing education credit.
For more information visit