SIOR Chapter board meets December 9 to plan 2011
February 9, 2011 - Spotlights
The SIOR Chapter board met at Post Office Square and included all nine of its board members. Tom Farrelly, the new 2011 Chapter president, held his first Chapter meeting and brought the meeting to order at 4 p.m. The board reviewed its 2010 agenda and discussed its mission and programming for 2011. Following is the summary:
1. Treasurer's Report: Tom Farrelly reported that the Chapter is very solid with its financials and voted to maintain dues at its 2009 and 2010 rate.
2. Admissions: Bob Cleary and Drew Sigfridson reported on current and pending Candidates and targeting the premier women brokers in the industry. The 2011 programming has tentatively planned a joint event with NEWIRE in September.
3. Programs: Don Mancini and Greg Klemmer reported that the 2011 program has tentatively been developed with eight Featured Landlord breakfasts. There was discussion about broadening the program. The suggestion was to add value to landlords that are being featured by offering the ability for sponsors to join the Chapter as a Corporate Member. More research will be conducted. The Annual Golf Outing for the SIOR Chapter members is planned for May 26th.
4. Recruitment: Garry Holmes reported on potential new candidates for 2011 and the new Candidates admitted in 2010. There are a number of new Candidates that are being invited to the 2011 events. Candidate programming is being planned at King's Bowling, Atlantic Beer Gardens, The Intercontinental Hotel and Bull & Beer events.
5. Scholarship: Garry Holmes reported that the October event was a success with John Dolan and Bill Lynch awarded the scholarships. There was discussion that in 2011 only one person should be awarded the scholarship but it was voted to maintain two awardees. The Scholarship Night is planned for October 13th at The Algonquin Club.
6. New Business: Tom Farrelly proposed that a new position be created named Associate Membership Chair and there will be some research with SIOR National on the logistics to establish such a position.
The meeting was concluded at 6 p.m.