CCIM New England's 2008 theme is Back to Basics
January 2, 2008 - Front Section
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Technically it is still autumn in New England, but someone forgot to tell that to Mother Nature as we have been hit with snow storm, after Nor'easter, after snow storm. But the calendar will soon turn over to New England Winter and of course 2008!
Our Chapter's theme for 2008 is "Back to Basics". As we look back on an interesting year in the mortgage markets and the commercial real estate market in general, we have to consider what we will be faced with in 2008. Our back to basics theme focuses around the fact that we as professionals of commercial real estate have to make sure in the face of volatile lending markets and new technology, that we don't loose our fundamentals of cash on cash return and of course face-to-face interaction.
New England CCIM will continue to push its NETS onto our chapter members (Networking, Education, Technology, and Social). We have a great slate of events all of which are online at, which are lined up for the early party of next year. The first three will be held at the Woburn Courtyard Marriott at 700 Unicorn Park. On January 17th, you must come out to attend a blockbuster event centered on environmental site assessments. We have some of the top professionals from the legal side, pubic side and engineering side to give us a look at what steps we need to take to complete transactions that have a questionable bill of heath, and what regulations we have to be aware of. On February 14th, spend Valentines Day with us at our chapter members only breakfast (no roses needed). We will be looking at technology and specifically the CCIM excel based tools. This will get us back to the basics to understand the tools that are given to us and help us look ahead to returns our investors, clients and ourselves. On March 6th, we have one of our premier events, The Market Update. Each year we bring in some of our top peers to look at the crystal ball and tell us what they see. No need to stay up late, watching infomercials and calling a psychic, just come out to this event. Our April event is so top secret all I can say is fasten your seatbelts.
For those of you who are interested in these events I strongly suggest that you join our chapter. For a cost of $150 (or $125 if you sign up before January 15th) you get great discounts to all of these events as well as our quarterly newsletters and entrance into some exclusive chapter members only events. Membership information is found on our website at on the bottom left side. You may have already signed up for national membership as a designee or candidate, but local chapter membership is separate. "So why pay two dues?" Local membership is like the gas that fuels your car (but cheaper than real gas). We connect you to the people and technology, through our NETS that helps you be successful. Also feel free to contact our membership chair, Greg Skutas, CCIM at (401) 847-5500 with additional questions.
Lastly, I would like to thank our 2007 Gold Sponsors for doing so much for our chapter. Co Star Group, The Stevens Group, Stewart Title, TD Banknorth, SCI and Q10 New England Realty Resources. If your company has interest in sponsoring us in 2008 please contact Peter Tilden, CCIM at (978) 839-0124. Of course if there is anything I can do to improve your CCIM experience please call (603) 668-7000 x212.
Chris Norwood, CCIM, is the president of the New England CCIM chapter and is director for NAI Norwood Group, Bedford, N.H.