Baybutt Const. Corp. is successful bidder for Springfield schools
January 2, 2008 - Front Section
After several years of planning, and after funding was approved by the taxpayers, the Union St. and Elm Hill Elementary Schools in will now get their needed renovations and additions. Baybutt Construction Corp. of Keene was the successful low and responsible bidder on these two school projects, coming in at $16,233,250.
Dore and Whittier Architects of Burlington, VT are the designers for these projects.
Elm Hill students have been relocated while the $6,757,725 construction occurs, which will include extensive site work, three additions and comprehensive renovation to existing school. Union Street students will occupy the school during the $9,475,525 addition and renovation project which will include site work, comprehensive renovation to existing school and a 15,000 s/f addition.