Leary named 2011 chair of The Counselors of R.E.
November 18, 2010 - Connecticut
New Haven real estate executive John Leary, CRE, has assumed the role of 2011 chair of the board of The Counselors of Real Estate, an international organization of top-level commercial real estate advisors headquartered in Chicago. Leary began his one-year term on October 20 at the 2010 CRE Annual Convention in Philadelphia.
Leary is president of Leary Counseling and Valuation, Inc. in New Haven, and specializes in real estate dispute resolution and litigation support; appraisal review services; major and complex property appraisals in the northeastern U.S.; and commercial real estate mass appraisal services. He serves on the faculty of the Risk Management Assn. as a valuation subject matter expert for its Real Estate Lending Seminar which is presented twice annually to Federal Reserve and state bank examiners.