IREM president's message: 2011 officers and councilors
September 30, 2010 - Owners Developers & Managers
We would like to give our special thanks to Beth Machen, CPM and senior vice president of the National Institute of Real Estate Management for visiting us at our annual Golf Tournament held on September 13th. Machen provided great insight regarding IREM, specifically the IREM Foundation and available resources out there to anyone interested in joining IREM or receiving the benefits of our educational courses.
As a reminder, it is our pleasure to honor industry leaders, Marvin Siflinger & Eleanor White for the Lifetime Achievement Award for 2010. We are honored to have the opportunity to recognize both Marvin and Eleanor for all of their contributions to the housing industry. Please join us on November 4 for dinner and the Presentation and Awards Ceremony held at Anthony's Pier 4 restaurant in Boston, Ma.
As fall is already here and the winter is rapidly coming, I would like to remind everyone of CBC Chapter XVI, Subsection 16.12.16 regarding snow removal in the city of Boston. In addition, now is the time for everyone to review their existing snow removal policies. For complete details please call ISD's Code Enforcement Unit at (617) 635-4896.
After careful deliberations, we are pleased to present the following officers and executive councilors for 2011 for the IREM Boston chapter office. They are as follows:
*President: Jeanmarie O'Brien, CPM.
*President-Elect: Jonathan Donahue, CPM, ARM.
*Vice President: Lisa Maguire, CPM.
*Treasurer: David Barrett, CPM, ARM.
*Secretary: Colleen Costa, CPM, ARM
Executive Councilors:
*Peter Lewis, CPM;
*Thomas Sullivan, CPM;
*Candice Morse, CPM, ARM;
*Gregg Jenner, CPM; and
*Owen Ahearn, CPM, ARM, ACoM.
For more information and details regarding IREM and the upcoming events and educational courses, please feel free to contact Kelley A. Hannon at our Boston office. In addition, further information on the above events or to view our complete 2010 schedule can be found at
Rob Crowley, ARM, CPM, is the 2010 president of IREM Boston Chapter # 4.