New England SIOR Chapter board of directors meet June 30
August 12, 2010 - Spotlights
The New England SIOR board of directors held its June 30th meeting at the offices of Garry Holmes on Rte. 30. The board reviewed the work completed to date and planned the Chapter events for the fall.
A. Treasurer's Report: Tom Farrelly
1. Farrelly reviewed the income and expenses and concluded that the balance currently is healthy for the remainder of the year.
2. The May Golf Outing sponsorship was a success and the board thanked Vantage for being the sponsor.
3. With a healthy balance, Pete Hayes discussed fall events to perhaps include a golf outing for the Chapter in R.I. at the Wannamoisett Club. Possibilities included membership development or a Best Practice breakfast event or a golf outing. A Best Practice breakfast was considered to draw a heavier attendance with 1-3 key speakers and then a golf outing to follow.
B. Admissions and Membership: Greg Klemmer for Bob Cleary
Klemmer announced that George Paskalis attended the June Philadelphia SIOR course and should soon qualify as an SIOR member.
1. Klemmer thanked Bob Cleary for his hard work this spring and for conducting interviews.
2. Cleary delivered a written report to Klemmer that was submitted to the board. Cleary's report stated that as of July 1, 2010, the Chapter is anticipating two new members. The newest Candidate is Derek Losi of UGL Equis. There are six active Candidates in the chapter and they have experience levels of 2-5 years.
3. Klemmer received a note from Bill Lynch thanking the board for the fall '09 scholarship. Klemmer reviewed the March King's Bowling event of which Matt Fair and Nick Hogan also attended.
C. Chapter Activity Calendar: Jim Boudrot
Jim Boudrot announced a new August event to be held at the Atlantic Beer Gardens. Klemmer wants 2-3 board members to attend Atlantic as it's a membership development event. The date is August 19.
1. Klemmer summarized the March King's Bowling event. There were approximately 20 attendees. Derek Losi also attended having recently been accepted as a Candidate.
2. Klemmer mentioned the he had 10-12 young attendees for the Big Brothers March event.
3. Peter Hayes recommended the InterContinental Hotel in Boston as it has outside seating for a July event.
4. In September, the Chapter is planning another event with Normandy Partners at the Indigo Hotel in Newton. Last year the SIOR Chapter ran an evening event with NEWIRE at the Indigo and it was successful. Klemmer has spoken again with Normandy and they would again sponsor this upcoming Sept. event. Last year, there were 80 attendees.
5. On October 7, the Chapter will hold its Scholarship Night at the Algonquin Club.
6. On Nov. 11, the Chapter is planning another landlord breakfast and in December the annual NAIOP End of the Year Forecast.
D. Scholarship Night in October
1. Mark Stevens reported that he worked on reviewing the Candidate applications with a team of board members to select the winners of the annual chapter scholarship. Stevens reported to the board that a decision has been made. He reminded the board of the process by stating the winner must be a Candidate. There were five Candidates that were sent applications.
2. Mark Stevens, Garry Holmes, Greg Klemmer and Bob Cleary interviewed the applicants. The interviews lasted 30 minutes a piece. The winner will be announced on Oct. 7. Holmes reported that the program has been successful.
3. Klemmer reported that he had attended a COPS meeting to see how other Chapters ran their scholarships but it seems to be random. Not all chapters require the applicants to be Candidates. Klemmer suggested to the other chapters that they restrict the scholarships to Candidates and other chapters thought it was a good idea. There were board discussions to have the media invited to the Scholarship Night.
E. Retention (Jim Elcock)
Jim Elcock is obtaining emails and vetting who is remaining as an SIOR Chapter member and who is retiring or dropping membership. He will report back to the board at the next meeting but in general the Chapter is healthy.
F. New Business
1. Klemmer mentioned that SIOR National has education available to the Chapters. It might be an opportunity for future events.
2. Klemmer wants to tie the Chapter to a non-profit organization. The board discussed expanding its purpose to other non-profit organizations. Discussions from board members included if the Chapter wants a real estate related or philanthropic organization or perhaps rotate different organizations each year.
Klemmer motioned for adjournment at approximately 5:50 p.m.