PDS Engineering and Construction provides complete construction project management services
June 3, 2010 - Connecticut
The kind of drive and savvy business sense that led PDS Engineering and Construction founder, Guy Jodice to leave a secure position with Republic Steel of East Hartford in 1965 to start his own company, are the same ingredients that are driving its success today, in arguably the most difficult industry environment in a generation.
"Diversity, flexibility, and a willingness to seek new markets while serving our traditional client base has been a major key," said Ron Jodice, PDS president and CEO, son of the founder.
Brother William Jodice said, "The growth of the company comes from a simple philosophy that a quality project will result in a quality client relationship. And from that code, 60% of the company's business is repeat customers and referrals."
"As a general contractor, PDS has acquired an impeccable reputation for meeting various client needs in a professional manner, providing services from site planning, regulatory approvals, pre-construction planning, value engineering, design build and construction services. PDS's professional staff brings a team of experienced talent to any given project," Frank Borawski, vice president for the company, said.
From its early beginnings as Pre-Designed Structures, a provider of steel and construction related products, the company has expanded into pre-engineered construction solutions, serving general commercial, industrial and retail construction and development.
In 1987, reflecting its expanded capabilities to serve a larger construction market, the company changed its name to PDS Engineering and Construction, Inc. Under the guidance of Ron Jodice, Bill Jodice and Borawski, the company has diversified and expanded further, growing the business base from its traditional source of small business construction needs within a $1 million to $5 million project value range, to large, complex construction and engineering projects that range from $25 million to $30 million, and which require full construction management and multi-year commitments.
Today, PDS Engineering and Construction provides complete construction project management services, from early development and design, "to the final coat of paint," Ron said, to businesses across the state. "More than 80% of our business is home grown," he said, "and having a thorough understanding of state and federal permitting processes is one of our strengths."
Chris Eseppi, PDS Engineering's vice president of sales, said, "Because we get involved in projects early on and work regularly with local , state and federal agencies, we are able to give clients an accurate read on permitting and budgeting issues so they are able to make a realistic feasibility assessment."
PDS provides general contractor and project consultant services in both design-and-build and bid-and-build markets. On major projects, PDS will frequently partner with architectural firms to create unique teams capable of creating and completing highly complex engineering and design plans and projects.
Adding two partners in 2009, Dave Lucibello and Tim Mulcahy, PDS has committed to the company's future growth by increasing its depth of talent to service the growing market. This commitment, along with PDS' strong design build background and major institutional experience, has paid off with its latest construction management contract for the Mary Hooker Environmental Design LEED Gold renovation and addition project for the City of Hartford.
PDS is an active member of the Hartford Alliance as well as the Connecticut Chapter of the Associated Builders and Contractors. Currently the company has been nominated as a Hartford Region Business Champion as one of the fastest growing companies in the area. The Business Champion awards will be made at the 2010 Connecticut Business Expo at the Connecticut Convention Center. Hope to see you there.
"Our model works," said Ron. "As we grow, we'll continue to service the small business needs of Connecticut and expand our large construction project management business. We strive to maintain our flexibility to change with the times, to look ahead and steer in just the right direction."
* Excerpts taken from PDS Company Profile published in the Hartford Business Journal on December 29, 2009