Mass. Association of Realtors presents the Annual Realtor Day on Beacon Hill - June 8th at 9:30 a.m.
June 3, 2010 - Front Section
The annual Realtor Day on Beacon Hill will take place on June 8th beginning at 9:30 a.m. The event provides Realtors with an opportunity to meet with state legislatures and relay their views on the issues affecting their business.
Mass. Association of Realtors works on your behalf to eliminate efforts to over-regulate the Real Estate industry. Here are a few of the key issues on this year's agenda that can be discussed with your legislators at Realtor Day on Beacon Hill:
*A modest increase in pre-licensure requirements;
*Opposition to transfer taxes to create municipal funding; and
*Support for Senate Bill 2191 which combines scrap metal tracking requirements with a two-year pilot program for an abandoned property registry.