Flip books: the digital equivalent of print publications
May 12, 2010 - Front Section
Feel uncomfortable reading news on websites? We have a solution for you. We incorporate a unique feature into our websites called "flip books." These small programs allow you to read your favorite section in an easy to navigate format. They closely resemble an actual newspaper so you may feel more comfortable utilizing this feature if you prefer the newspaper format. Another excellent benefit is they don't use any paper, ink, or gas to be delivered. They are completely green and promote reduced use of finite materials. Most of our existing flip books have important resources within them linked to the appropriate destination. For example, a lot of the advertisements are linked to the advertisers website or email address. Stories have the capability to link to a resource that has extra information or pictures about the particular article.
When you open up one of our flip books, you'll notice it will start loading before you are able to do anything. This is a necessary step to ensure your experience is smooth and flawless when reading the flip book. There are nine buttons on the lower left corner and four on the lower right corner. Starting with the lower left corner, you have the option to view the flip book's table of contents, and bookmarks that have been created, thumbnails of each page contained in the flip book, and the ability to create a permanent link to the page you're on so that you may share it with anyone. You also have the option of displaying the flip book in full screen mode, zooming in and out, printing, saving a specific page, and turning the sounds off. An alternative to manually using the zoom buttons is to double click anywhere on a page. This will effectively zoom you in or out depending on your current view state. As you can see, there are quite a few options but these help combat accessibility issues and make the experience as intriguing as possible.
On the lower right corner of the flip book, you have the ability to navigate the pages one at a time or jump directly to the begging/end of the flip book. As an alternative, you can click and hold the bottom corner of a page while dragging it to flip to the next page. At the top right corner, you'll notice a little search box. This allows you to search for a specific phrase or keyword that you are looking for in the particular flip book.
We are constantly adding more flip books to our websites, so be sure to check back regularly. You can access our spotlights in the flip book format here: http://nerej.com/spotlights
Aaron Wood is the webmaster of Rejournal.com, Norwell, Mass.