NH-CIBOR President's message: More networking events planned for 2010
December 30, 2009 - Northern New England
2009 has been an eventful year. Your committees and board of directors, and the staff were put to the test and come through with flying colors. Consider that last year at this time, and at this podium I spoke of my vision for the next year. I said that each president enters office with goals for their year in office. There may or may not be continuity with prior leader's plans and there typically is not time to accomplish any ambitious goals in a one-year term. I said that CIBOR needed to have a long term plan for our future. One that future leaders of our association would use as the basis for meeting the needs of our members. I further said that the plan needed to flow upward from our members rather than be a dictate of leadership. I am pleased to report that this plan has been completed and was presented to the 2009 board of directors on November 2 for their review in anticipation of its approval and implementation at our December board meeting. Upon approval the plan will be available for your review on the CIBOR website. This plan provides the needed direction with a clear road map as to where we need to go and how we will monitor our level of achievement.
Speaking of our website, I am pleased to report that your BOD has approved an expenditure that will lead to a complete redesign and modernization of our CIBOR website. We anticipate that the new site will be your go to resource for all things commercial in N.H. in 2010.
Dave Lefebvre continues to work with Catylist to provide our members with a commercial property exchange that meets and hopefully exceeds our expectations. What a difference a year makes. I don't even want to think about where we were one year ago and what it took in terms of time and dollars to get us to where we are today. Many thanks, David.
In 2010 our marketing sessions will be revamped. All sessions will be held on the fourth Wednesday of the month. Further, all sessions will be held in the conference room of the GMNBR. We will be soliciting sponsors for a continental breakfast and we will be publishing success stories that result from these sessions.
Our Strat Plan recommends that we have more networking events and so we shall. You will soon be receiving information on the first such event that will be held in Manchester at Boynton's Pub, the former Labatt Beer Academy. This and future events will be a joint effort of CIBOR and Cibor Cares. Events will be held throughout the state and will provide a forum for members to interact with affiliates and other interested parties. Mark your calendar for January 20th and stand by for further information.
Arthur Slattery is president of NH-CIBOR and is owner of Phoenix Realty Group, Bedford.