John Barczewski 2009
December 9, 2009 - Financial Digest
Name: John Barczewski
Title: President
Company: Real Estate Fiduciary Services
Location: 65 The Fairways, Ipswich MA 01938
Place of Birth and Year: Newburyport, MA - 1955
Family: Wife, Clare; Daughters Joan and Jillian
College: Merrimack College - BS Business Administration, CPA
First job outside of finance: Ernst & Young - auditor
First job in finance or allied field: AEW Capital Management - portfolio controller
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? We offer independent fiduciary services - we help resolve conflicts of interest and perform analysis and due diligence with transaction work and asset management support. We work with emerging managers to pursue the management of institutional capital, i.e., endowment funds, foundations and pension funds.
Hobbies: Golf, snowshoeing, cycling, reading
Person you most emulate (outside of family): Blake Eagle
Key to success: Hard work - try to do the job a little bit better every day
If you were forced to choose another vocation what would it be? Professor - teach college courses