Holyoke mayor awards senior center project to Diversified Project Mgmt.
November 12, 2009 - Spotlights
Diversified Project Management, Inc. (DPM), a Newton-based owner's representative firm providing programming, project management, construction administration, FF&E coordination and move-planning services, has been retained by the City of Holyoke to manage the design and construction of a new senior center.
Holyoke has housed the center in the basement of the War Memorial Building since the mid 1960s. The current facility, which lacks windows, temperature control and modern amenities has been described as "depressing" by some seniors. They are seeking a modernized center that can accommodate organized activities and programs dedicated to health and wellness.
A needs assessment survey was conducted by the University of Connecticut's Agency on Aging and members of the Friends of the Holyoke Council on Aging toured senior centers in several neighboring cities and towns in order to collect information in the requirements for the new center. "Everyone has input as best we can into a plan that will have a senior center that's appropriate and best for everyone in the city of Holyoke," said Mayor Michael Sullivan
DPM will provide full project management services including the management of site selection, budget, scope and schedule, the selection of consultants and the general contractor. Frank Kennedy is leading the DPM effort serving as the project executive.
"We are really energized to be working with the building committee, the Holyoke Council on Aging and the mayor to bring the highest quality senior center to the community," Kennedy said.