Posted: August 23, 2012
NEWiRE president's message: Thanking our membership
In 2011-2012, NEWiRE marked its 30th anniversary by celebrating the organization's many accomplishments and honoring the achievements of its members. Today, we look forward to setting and reaching new goals and milestones for 2012-2013 and beyond. This year, we will focus upon NEWiRE's mission to promote the advancement of women in commercial real estate.
As I begin my presidency for the 2012-2013 year, I'd like to thank the many NEWiRE member volunteers for their hard work and commitment to the organization, as well as share my vision for the upcoming year. NEWiRE is proud to be recognized for providing exceptional programming and networking opportunities over the last 30 years. We will continue this focus to solidify our brand and empower our members. To start the year, our signature luncheon programs begin on September 19th with guest speaker, Raymond Torto, Ph.D., CRE, who is global chief economist for CBRE.
NEWiRE depends upon its members and their volunteerism to serve on committees and create programs. We will continue to encourage our members to participate and take advantage of the many benefits membership provides. As an active member, the more one puts into the organization, the more one gets out of it. Meeting other members, making connections and building relationships takes effort; but produces results. Presently, 30% of our members have worked together or referred business to other members.
Like every professional organization, sponsorship is a key component of our operations and growth. Support from our sponsors allows NEWiRE to continue its mission of promoting the advancement of women in commercial real estate. Our sponsors have the opportunity to showcase their company's commitment to our mission to the greater Boston real estate community since NEWiRE is widely regarded as one of the top real estate organizations in New England. As we embark on our 2012-2013 campaign, I once again thank our past sponsors for their continued support, and for those of you that have not yet sponsored our organization, please consider doing so.
We are the oldest and largest chapter of the over 76 chapters and over 8,000 members comprising the nation CREW Network spanning North America. NEWiRE offers our 400 plus members exceptional opportunities to promote their companies and to do business locally, regionally and nationally. CREW provides access to information from industry professionals nationwide. This year we will focus upon encouraging members to take advantage of the professional opportunities that the CREW affiliation provides including CREWbiz, which is CREW Network's online business networking tool, leading professional development training, leadership series seminars, hundreds of industry job postings and career assistance and all CREW Network industry benchmark studies and white papers. CREW Network is responsible for 85% of the research on the status of women in commercial real estate!
NEWIRE was conceived in 1982 by a small group of women with a vision. The organization has grown to over 400 members whom encompass the full spectrum of commercial real estate disciplines. As we embark upon our 31st year, with the continued commitment and involvement of our members and support from our sponsors, the organization will reach new heights.
Visit our website at and follow us on Twitter @NEWiREBoston to learning more about the organization and upcoming events.
Holly Nelson is the managing director at TriSail Capital Corporation/BAML and the 2012-2013 president of New England Women in Real Estate (NEWiRE), Boston, Mass.