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Founded in 1985, we are the nation's oldest biotechnology trade association. Since our inception, we have been at the forefront of making Massachusetts a better place for biotechnology.
The Mass. Biotechnology Council ( is an association of more than 550 biotechnology companies, universities, academic institutions and others dedicated to advancing cutting edge research. We are the leading advocate for the Bay State's world premier life science cluster.
We drive innovation by creating a forum for the biotechnology community to come together, educating the public and policy makers, influencing public policy and advancing the economic interests of individual companies, as well as the sector as a whole.
Our public policy collaborations get results.
Recent achievements include:
* The introduction of an ambitious $1 billion Life Sciences Initiative that includes $500 million in capital spending, $250 million in grants and financing and $250 million in tax benefits for the industry.
* New, vital life science facilities at the University of Mass.
* $10 million to recapitalize the Emerging Technologies Fund.
* $34 million for infrastructure development to assist Devens in accommodating the Bristol-Myers Squibb manufacturing center.
Public Policy
Massachusetts' leading advocate for our life sciences super cluster
In 2007, the MBC was a driver of the state's $1 billion Life Sciences Initiative and helped defeat price control legislation on the state level.
Biotechnology is a complex, highly regulated industry. At the Mass. Biotechnology Council, we work diligently to education policy makers and the public about who we are and what are the specific needs of our companies as they push the boundaries of science to improve our lives.
As the state's leading advocate for our life sciences super cluster, we fight for public policy initiatives and tax incentives in Mass. that will enable biotechnology companies to do their best work. At the same time, we maintain an active presence in Washington to help influence federal legislation.
As we advocate for the industry, we keep our members up to date on important issues, providing them with crucial information about the potential impact of proposed policy and tax changes.
We led industry efforts in Washington to create a pathway for the approval of follow-on biologics that protects patients without hindering innovation. We also worked to effectively reform patent laws and expand access to Small Business Innovation Research grants.
To support biotechnology and promote its policy goals, the MBC:
* Lobbies on legislation critical to growth and success of the biotechnology industry
* Engages in dialogue with government regulatory agencies and advocates for biotechnology positions on pertinent issues
* Sponsors candidate forums during election season
* Disseminates news on the latest developments in politics and policy through a variety of publications
* Educates Mass. policy makers on benefits of biomedical R&D at an annual State House forum conducted in partnership with allied institutions
* Conducts public forums on pressing contemporary issues
* Issues policy papers and statements delineating the MBC point of view on various topics
* Funds a Political Action Committee (PAC) on both the state and federal level to help support political candidates who recognize the benefits to society.