News: Construction Design & Engineering
Lisa Howe has been named a principal of Goody Clancy.
Howe has a diversity of experience which includes more than 20 years directing the adaptive reuse and preservation of buildings in a range of market sectors, including education, civic and cultural projects for clients such as Harvard University and the U.S. General Services Administration. Her work includes two National Historic Landmarks. The first is the renovation of over 50 historic buildings at St. Elizabeths West Campus in Washington, D. C., which is part of a General Services Administration project creating the new headquarters for the Department of Homeland Security.
The second is the facade restoration of the Ayer Mansion in Boston, a project which received the highly competitive Save America's Treasures Grant.
Recognized nationally for promoting cultural and environmental sustainability through the reuse of existing buildings, Howe is the co-chair of the Technical Committee for Sustainable Preservation for the Association for Preservation Technology International (APTI). Howe holds a Bachelor of Science in Historic Preservation from Roger Williams University. Her unorthodox career began as a bricklayer and demonstrates a continuous commitment to design excellence, technical knowledge, research and innovation. During a sabbatical year in 2005, Howe undertook graduate work in "Strategic Leadership Towards Sustainability" at Blekinge Institute of Technology in Sweden.
Goody Clancy is committed to creating communities that foster aesthetic delight, social engagement, economic opportunity, and environmental resilience. These qualities inspire a diverse body of work that in recent years includes the Master Plan for post-Katrina New Orleans, the rehabilitation of H. H. Richardson's historic Trinity Church in Boston, and the design for the University of Chicago's new South Campus Residence Hall.