Posted: September 30, 2010
Enfield has 168 acres of land ready for your project
I don't have to tell you that the time from concept to market is becoming increasingly condensed. Whether it's due to growth, a merger, or the end of a lease, when a company has the need to move, delays can be a deal killer. Too many projects get stalled as they go through the local approval process. If a site is shrouded in ambiguity or the perception of complexity, site selection consultants, corporate real estate executives, lawyers and engineers cross it off their short list.
Based on recent commercial developments and decisions by high-tech, pharmaceutical, and insurance and financial services companies opting to invest in Enfield, it's easy to see why the town is attractive to businesses. Not only does Enfield boast an excellent location with easy access to highways and a high-quality workforce, but the top-notch economic development team is tuned into what companies and developers are looking for - the ability to move a project along quickly and seamlessly.
Recently the town, in partnership with Connecticut Light and Power, took the initiative to have 168 acres of land surveyed, engineered and designed to accommodate more than 700,000 s/f of new development. Previous deals on this site got derailed due to unanswered questions and apprehensions regarding the presence of wetlands. We recognize investors' reluctance to use resources on lawyers, architects and engineers without any degree of certainty that the local boards of cognizance will approve their project; for this site we've taken much of the guess work out. After mapping the wetlands, which removed the largest perceived hurdle to developing this prime site - just miles off I-91 and six miles from Bradley International Airport - a consultant surveyed the site and created conceptual plan approval for a business park. With these arduous tasks complete, a company can now avoid permitting obstacles and expedite construction, realistically breaking ground within 90-180 days.
If you have a client with the need for speed, access to markets and skilled workers, then we should talk. Enfield is prepared for growth.
Antonio Reale is with World Properties, LLC, Enfield, Conn.