Posted: April 24, 2014
Conn. Building Congress hosts recent Energize Conn. C-Pace commercial energy improvement financing
"This is a trend, not a fad. It will be like any other specialized financing," said Rob Hartt, managing member, Hartt Realty Advisors, LLC at the "Energize Connecticut" presentation hosted by the Connecticut Building Congress (CBC).
Hartt, along with Jessica Bailey, director of Commercial and Industrial Property Assessed Clean Energy Finance and Investment Authority (CEFIA) and David Ford, comprehensive solutions account executive, Trane U.S., Inc. provided a detailed review of this exciting and innovative approach to energy conservation financing. This diverse panel provided a thorough review of the C-PACE program and discussed specific projects that realized substantial financial benefits from using the Connecticut program that started in 2012.
Echoing Catherine Smith, commissioner of DECD at last month's CBC program, Bailey said CEFIA is looking to make access to conservation easy and to "move at the speed of business." Bailey provided a synopsis of the program, how Connecticut businesses and builders can access the available financing and how CEFIA cooperates with the cities, towns, builders and business owners to reduce energy usage with sensible financing through the C-PACE program. From Ford's perspective "C-PACE is the missing piece of the puzzle" - businesses and building owners want to make capital improvements but the right financing has to be available to make it worth their while. Financing with no out of pocket costs make the C-PACE program extremely advantageous.
The CBC will hold its next program on May 13 at The Masonic Temple in New Haven for the Magic Bus Tour and Program where attendees will "See the Great Architecture of New Haven" and learn about recent and future design and construction opportunities in Connecticut and what you can do to position your firm to help preserve Connecticut's long history. The program is sponsored by the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation and the New Haven Preservation Trust. You will have your choice of a bus tour of historic buildings in New Haven or a walking tour of the Masonic Temple itself.
Shown (from left) are: Jessica Bailey, director of Commercial and Industrial Property Assessed Clean Energy, Connecticut Clean Energy Finance and Investment Authority; John Hankins, panel moderator, LEP, CPG, CBC program coordinator and sr. VP, Fuss & O'Neill, Inc.; Robert Hartt, managing member, Hartt Realty Advisors, LLC; and David Ford, comprehensive solutions account executive, Trane U.S., Inc.
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