News: Construction Design & Engineering
The Associated Builders and Contractors' Gould Construction Institute is holding a professional development webinar on Oct. 21 at 11:45 am-1:00 pm.
Charting Your Course Towards A Stronger Future, a live and confidential video-cast (login and authorization info required - attendance is confidential) will be presented by Bob O'Hara, CPA/PFS, MST, CExP - O'Hara and Company, PC.
Learn how to run your business and create value so you can leave it in style!
This video-cast that you can watch from the privacy of your office will introduce business owners to a proven process that can be followed when they are ready to address the ownership transfer of their business.
Every owner will exit their business, either voluntarily or otherwise. At that time, every owner wants the maximum amount of money possible to help achieve personal and financial goals. Exit planning allows you to decide how you will transition/sell your business and achieve your unique goals. O'Hara will demonstrate how a business owner can achieve his/her exit objectives using a process that incorporates savvy financial planning as the foundation for success. Planning your business exit is a process that should begin 6 to 8 years before you want to leave. So even if you do not plan on leaving your business anytime soon, this information will be valuable as you manage your business for future growth, value and success.
The cost is $40 for ABC members and $50 for non-members: $50.00
The next Gould Construction Institute event is coming up Nov. 4, "Avoiding Lawsuits by Shareholders & Members; Rights of Shareholders in Closely Held Corporations & LLCs" to be presented by Jim Rudolph of Rudolph Friedmann LLP.
For more information contact the Gould Construction Institute at 781-270-9990 of visit