Cardente Real Estate
Biddeford, ME According to Cardente Real Estate, 160 Elm Street, LLC has purchased two commercial buildings consisting of 9,368 s/f of retail space at 160 Elm St. for $525,000.
This transaction, which closed on May 12, was brokered on behalf of the seller, DVD, LLC by Vince Ciampi of CBRE The Boulos Company, and on behalf of the buyer by Michael Cardente of Cardente Real Estate.
In another transaction, Broken Crow, LLC, has leased 2,562 s/f of office/retail space on the second floor of the Hay Building at 594 Congress St. in Portland. The business, Broken Crow Collective, has recently opened a tattoo studio at this location.
This transaction was brokered on behalf of the landlord, The Fitzgibbons Family Trust, LLC, and on behalf of the tenant by Cheri Bonawitz.