As 2020 turns to 2021 it’s impossible to not be optimistic about a better year ahead than the last one. I look forward to the year with additional excitement as I become chairman and will have the unique and humbling experience of leading the finest construction trade organization in the country.
As Joe Camilo’s vice chair in 2020, I had a front row seat to watching how adaptive, responsive, and professional the ABC staff handled all that was thrown at them. We entered 2020 with a focus on restructuring ABC and the Gould Construction Institute (GCI) and in spite of the turbulence that hit us all quickly, we were able to deliver on that initiative.
As we enter 2021, we are uniquely organized to reap the benefits of two good organizations working in concert to form one great one. Speaking of the turbulence, as the pandemic took hold across the Commonwealth, all our companies sought advice and direction on operating our businesses safely and it was often ABC MA that was out front with informative webinars and training sessions. Special thanks to Dan Gearin, our director of programs, events & marketing, Venus Williams, our director of engagement & strategic initiatives, and Molly Reagan, our director of public affairs, for acting quickly to pull together many great programs and informational updates at exactly the time our members needed them most and in a format that was largely untested. I couldn’t be prouder of the effort and their ability to deliver when our members needed us most.
For the folks that have been around for a while, you may know this is my second stint as chair. Or as I like to say, this is my mulligan. Last month I had the opportunity to address the participants in our 2021 Strategic Planning Conference. Thank you to those that took the time to attend and contribute to the process. Although we will continue 2021 in the same fashion as 2020, we look forward to getting our economy, ABC, and our businesses back to full strength. We look forward to what ABC and GCI can accomplish with both boards and staffs working together like never before. I look forward to working closely, and in concert with, Julie Kelliher-DeStefano and the entire GCI staff. Our government affairs will face challenges this year with a new administration in D.C., but our healthy working relationship with the Baker administration will help and I look forward to helping Molly Reagan and John Bartley to promote ABC on Beacon Hill and fight for legislation that promotes an open and fair construction marketplace. Lastly, Steve Sullivan has made great strides in promoting workforce development and apprenticeship through our Building Mass Careers program and I look forward to what we can do in 2021.
The January chairman’s message is always an important first step to introducing the incoming chair and laying out the year ahead. As I begin my second term as chairman, I want to recognize someone who has dedicated his career to ABC Massachusetts: Greg Beeman. His tireless work ethic and steady hand has benefitted our chapter over the years. We are fortunate to have Beeman in his role working for all of us. Respected throughout Beacon Hill, and amongst his peers, he has been able to navigate critical issues that have a positive impact on your businesses every day. Along with John Cruz, the first vice-chair in 2021, we are excited to work alongside Beeman and the entire the ABC/GCI staff team this year as we emerge from the pandemic and advance our agenda, looking forward to being able to be together again as we do it!
Kyle Reagan is the chairman of Associated Builders and Contractors Inc.-Mass. Chapter, and is CEO of DECCO Inc., Townsend, Mass.