Posted: May 22, 2014
05-23-2014 - Grow Smart RI's 2014 Power of Place Summit
Developers, designers, architects, builders, and engineers alike are encouraged to attend the Power of Place Summit, organized by Grow Smart Rhode Island, when it returns to the Rhode Island Convention Center on May 23 from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. With this year's theme focusing on "Positioning Rhode Island for an Economic Renaissance," the biennial statewide conference offers an opportunity to promote and celebrate successful smart growth, development, policy, and planning in the Ocean State.
Founded in 1998, Grow Smart RI has become the leading advocate for sustainable economic growth, revitalization, and improved quality of place in the state's urban, suburban, and rural communities. According to Wolf, summit attendees should expect a much needed boost of morale that is timely, in the wake of a recent Gallup Poll that ranked Rhode Island lowest in the country for collective state self-esteem.
"Our Power of Place Summit is as much an educational, as it is an invigorating experience because we're focusing on the assets and strengths that contribute to our state's exceptional quality of place," said Wolf, who indicated that Grow Smart RI is determined to combat the state's lack of confidence, an issue that he considers to be one of the biggest economic and marketing challenges facing Rhode Island.
At the all-day forum, Wolf will moderate a workshop that will help participants navigate the new State Historic Tax Credit (HTC), which has reinvigorated historic redevelopment and reuse.
The informative and engaging workshop, one of 19 covering an array of smart growth topics that will be offered at the Power of Place Summit, will examine requirements and provide an update on legislative efforts to expand the program.
The Grow Smart RI Power of Place Summit offers attendees access to the following:
* Keynote Address: "If Mayors Ruled the World" - International political analyst and author Dr. Benjamin Barber will discuss a new paradigm of global governance ruled by cities and the mayors that run them. Presented in partnership with the Providence Preservation Society, the thought-provoking keynote address will explore how Rhode Island, the nation's second most urbanized state, can more effectively empower its 39 municipalities to achieve more prosperity and resiliency.
* Remarks by governor Lincoln Chafee and Gubernatorial Candidates' Panel Discussion - Following remarks by governor Chafee, the five major gubernatorial candidates will share their views on how Rhode Island can better tap its full economic potential through smart growth strategies and policies in a panel discussion moderated by Providence Business News Editor Mark Murphy.
* Smart Growth Awards Program - During a luncheon, Grow Smart RI will celebrate and recognize outstanding leaders,projects, and plans or policies that are accelerating economic and community benefits. This year's award recipients are:
· Bike Newport
· East Providence Special Waterfront Development District
· Town of South Kingstown's Healthy Places by Design Action Plan
· The Meeting Room at Queen Anne Square in Newport
· The Arcade in Providence
· Woonsocket Middle School Complex
· Westfield Commons and Lofts in Providence
* Engaging Workshops and Exhibitors - In addition to the workshop on the new State Historic Tax Credit (HTC), others will cover topics including: urban revitalization initiatives, transportation and infrastructure funding, masstransit, housing, tourism, as well as agriculture and farmland protection.
Additionally, attendees will have access to more than 20 exhibitors offering the latest research and services designed to shape more resilient and vibrant communities.
For more information about the 2014 Power of Place Summit and agenda, visit